5-Year Anniversary Vow Renewal on Anna Maria Island


When I tell people about Haley and Andrew’s 5-year anniversary vow renewal on Anna Maria Island, they typically ask me: is that normal?

My answer: I don’t do vow renewals very often but HECK FREAKING YES IT’S NORMAL!

A couple can go through so much in just 5 short years. And marriage? Marriage takes work!

Let’s face it, if 2020 has taught us anything it’s that an insane amount of trial and strength can be endured and experienced within five months. By no means does it signal the couples marriage is in trouble. The love emotions were sky high at Haley and Andrew’s vow renewal it was basically bringing back all the memories and feelings from their wedding day and overwhelm of pride at their accomplishments in the past five years.

My dear friend Bonnie officiated and it was beautiful. Even with the loud pool party happening right next door. ;) To me, a vow renewal is not a signal of conflict or a last ditch solution to a sinking boat — it’s a celebration of renewed commitment and celebration of making it through five years of marriage and cheering each other on for more to come.